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Effective intervention: How we optimize existing teams in problematic projects

In today’s fast-paced digital world, many companies are faced with the challenge of optimizing existing projects, especially when they encounter difficulties. As an external service provider, we have the opportunity to support existing teams through targeted interventions to make digital solutions successful again. In this article, we show how we can provide effective solutions through analysis, training, staff augmentation and communication optimization.

Analysis of the project situation

The first step towards optimization is to conduct a thorough analysis of the current situation. This analysis helps us to identify the causes of the problems in the project and to understand the needs of the team.


  • Stakeholder interviews
    We conduct interviews with the most important stakeholders in order to understand their perspectives and concerns.
  • Data analysis
    We look at key performance indicators, project schedules and budget overruns to identify patterns and problems.
  • Team feedback
    We collect feedback from team members through surveys and workshops to understand their challenges and ideas for improvement.


In a project for a web application, it turned out that unclear communication between departments was causing delays. After the analysis, we were able to propose targeted measures to improve the communication structures.

Targeted training

A lack of knowledge or skills on the part of team members is often a major factor in project problems. Through targeted training, we can ensure that the team has the necessary skills to overcome the challenges.


  • Needs analysis
    We identify specific knowledge gaps in the team that need to be addressed.
  • Training programs
    We develop customized training programs that are tailored to the needs of the team, whether in the form of workshops, online courses or individual training sessions.
  • Sustainable support
    We also offer follow-up sessions to ensure learning success and to deepen knowledge within the team.


In a software development project, we organized a series of training courses to introduce new technologies. “The training courses not only gave us the necessary skills, but also boosted our self-confidence,” says Peter, a developer in the team.

Staff Augmentation

If a project is under time pressure or additional expertise is required, staff augmentation is an effective solution. We offer qualified specialists who can be integrated into existing teams at short notice to overcome bottlenecks.


  • Needs assessment
    Together with the team, we determine which additional skills are required, be it for programming, design or project management.
  • Rapid deployment
    We quickly provide the right external experts who integrate seamlessly into the team.
  • Coordination and integration
    During the collaboration, we ensure close coordination between the external and internal team members in order to guarantee a smooth process.


In a project that was stagnating due to staff shortages, we provided additional developers at short notice. “The support not only helped us to keep to the schedule, but also improved the quality of the work,” reports Julia, the project manager.

Communication optimization

Clear and effective communication is crucial to the success of a project. Misunderstandings and information gaps can often lead to delays and frustration. We help teams to optimize their communication structures.


  • Establishment of communication channels
    We provide support in the selection and implementation of suitable communication tools (e.g. Slack, Microsoft Teams) and define clear channels for different topics.
  • Regular meetings
    We recommend the introduction of daily stand-ups or weekly status meetings to promote the exchange of information and progress.
  • Feedback culture
    We promote a culture of open feedback in which team members are encouraged to ask questions and contribute ideas.


In an ongoing project, it turned out that the team often communicated via different channels, which led to confusion. After implementing regular meetings and using a central communication platform, the team reported: “We have significantly improved the transparency and efficiency of our collaboration.”

Case study 1: E-commerce platform with unclear requirements

An e-commerce startup had difficulties launching its platform in time for the start of the season. The initial requirements were unclear, which led to delays and misunderstandings between the development teams.

We carried out a thorough analysis and organized workshops with the stakeholders to clearly define the requirements. The team received support in creating detailed requirements documentation.

Once the requirements had been clarified, the developers were able to work in a targeted manner. The introduction of weekly status meetings significantly improved communication, enabling the project to be successfully launched within two months. The platform achieved a 30% increase in sales in the first three months.

Case study 2: Software development project in the healthcare sector

A healthcare company was working on a patient management software solution but did not have enough in-house developers to keep to the schedule. The project delays led to financial losses and poor feedback from users.

We offered staff augmentation and provided three experienced developers who integrated seamlessly into the existing team. We also provided training to ensure that all team members were familiar with the specific requirements of the project.

By expanding the team, the project was able to get back on track. The additional resources made it possible to meet the original schedule and the product was successfully launched with a 20% improvement in user satisfaction.

Case study 3: Implementation of a new AI-based software solution

A medium-sized retail company wanted to implement an AI-based software solution to better analyze customer behavior and develop personalized marketing campaigns. However, the internal team did not have the necessary knowledge of AI technology, which led to uncertainties and delays in the project.

As an external service provider, we carried out a comprehensive needs analysis to understand the company’s specific requirements. We then developed a customized training program for the internal team that covered the basics of AI technology as well as specific training on the new software solution. We also provided two AI experts to support the team during the implementation phase.

After completing the training, the internal team was able to actively participate in the implementation of the AI solution. The close collaboration with our expert ensured that all technical issues were quickly resolved. The new software solution was successfully implemented within the given timeframe and enabled the company to develop personalized marketing campaigns that increased the conversion rate by 25%. In addition, customer satisfaction increased significantly as customers were now targeted and relevant.

The successful optimization of existing teams in problematic projects requires a combination of targeted analysis, continuous training and flexible support. By bringing in external expertise and fostering communication, we create the conditions for sustainable success. Our goal is to support companies in efficiently implementing their digital solutions and pursuing innovative approaches.

Till Neitzke

Conclusion: How we optimize existing teams in problematic projects

Effective intervention to optimize existing teams working on digital solutions requires a systematic approach based on root cause analysis, targeted training, staff augmentation and communication optimization. By implementing these strategies, we can put projects back on the road to success and sustainably improve team performance. As an external service provider, we specialize in developing tailor-made solutions that meet the specific needs of teams. In this way, we create the conditions for sustainable success in digital development and help companies to successfully implement their projects.

Successful together in the digital transformation.

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